Proud Poppy Stands For All Women
March 8th is International Women’s Day!
This year's United Nation's theme is 'Invest in Women: Accelerate progress', something Proud Poppy has been doing in the fashion industry for (almost!) 5 years.
To celebrate IWD and this year's theme, we sat down with some of the gorg women from our PP community who we admire that are pushing for change and accelerating progress in their own way (including our founder, Tara!)
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
A day to recognise the amazing strength we have as women that is so often underplayed in society. An opportunity to reflect on and admire women all over the world who are doing incredible things and changing the way of the future for better. Chicks rule.
What does ‘accelerating progress’ look like for you in your everyday life?
At Proud Poppy we have been shaking things up in the fashion industry since day 1. For years, brands with much more power, budget and influence have been putting their lack of sizing and diversity in models down to lack of demand in the market or the inability of factories to produce a wider size range in garments. Well, we are proof that that's not true and that the only reason they choose not to increase their size ranges is because they don't want to. Simple. By us putting pressure on the big guys to do better - it's happening, slowly, but it's happening.
Who's a woman in your life you admire and why?
My daughter Charlie. I love watching her step into her own light with more and more confidence each day. She keeps me focused on why I do what I do and the importance of encouraging women to love the skin they are in and being grateful for their bodies, no matter shape or size.
If there’s a piece of advice you could give to your younger self, what would it be?
What’s something you want to say to the women of the world?
Don't wait for a moment, make the moment. So often we see people waiting for the right moment to make a change or take action, be it new years day, Monday or the next day - make today your day and don't waste another day waiting for the right moment. The moment is now!
If you want more from Tara (and Proud Poppy!), you can follow us on on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, or join our amazing Proud Poppy VIP Community on Facebook (if you're not already one of the 17k members!).

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
It means making sure that all women are included. In this current global crisis we see war and famen in countries outside of Australia, and it's really important that we include all women; we include Palestinian women, we include Sudanese women, we include disabled women, we include Aboriginal women in the discussions.
What does ‘accelerating progress’ look like for you in your everyday life?
I want to see change happen in our lifetime. Often it takes a long while for equality to happen, we see this with the gender pay gap, we see this with disability violence... I think we need to accelerate progress so that we're not waiting for change before our lifetime is over.
Who's a woman in your life you admire and why?
My mum. She's strong, she's resilient, she's pretty fierce. She came to Australia in 1981 with my Dad to escape the Racial Segregation Law in South Africa. She's made an incredible life for herself - she's currently volunteering as a refugee support person in Albury and she's just making communities feel so welcome here.
If there’s a piece of advice you could give to your younger self, what would it be?
Stop working for free!
What’s something you want to say to the women of the world?
Please don't apologise for the way you look, particularly when you have no makeup on. Your face and your appearance is beautiful and it deserves to be seen.
If you would like to know more about Carly Findlay and the work she does, you can follow her on Instagram or visit her website (where you can also pick up one of her two books, 'Say Hello' and 'Growing Up Disabled in Australia!).

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
IWD reminds me each year how far we have come and yet how far we still have to go for women globally.
Having a day just for women provides an opportunity to celebrate the many accomplishments of women and the essential contribution we make to the global community. It is also a day when we identify some barriers that still need to be removed for women to aspire and achieve their visions for their lives.
What does ‘accelerating progress’ look like for you in your everyday life?
For me personally, every day I am accelerating progress by running the CurvyAu community. Both online and by hosting meetups across Australia. Because when women feel seen, supported and celebrated regardless of their size, wonderful things can happen. It’s a safe space where visibly plus size people can share experiences, offer advice, and celebrate their bodies.
Who's a woman in your life you admire and why?
I can honestly say I am surrounded by women I admire, it’s hard to choose one.
For this convo I’m choosing my friend Nat Alise is the most courageous woman I know. She lives life authentically and doesn’t worry about going against the grain, she’s passionate, kind and isn’t afraid to speak up. Living life as a single woman is tough in so many ways, but she is also raising two mini humans on her own as well. Nat is a hero in my eyes. We both work in the online space, she’s always someone I can call
It’s a true friendship where we both uplift and inspire each other.
If there’s a piece of advice you could give to your younger self, what would it be?
It’s a powerful and beautiful experience to think about what we would tell our younger self.
My biggest advice to my younger self would be to understand that there are so many chapters in life that make up your story, the setting will always change and sometimes characters will only be around for a short time. The journey can be uncomfortable but follow your intuition. Your instincts are right. Just keep taking one step forward at a time.
What’s something you want to say to the women of the world?
If I was to say something to the women of the world , I would share my favourite quote. Tell the story of the mountain you climbed as your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide. Because you are never truly alone with what you are going through.
Sharing makes us feel less alone by connecting us with others who understand, empathise, and validate our experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and support.
If you would like to know more about Sam and the work she does, you can follow her on Instagram at @CurvySam or @CurvyAu, @CurvySam on Tiktok, or support her Robes & PJ's business, HILDAS, via their website.

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
It means not only celebrating and the achievements of women, but also looking at what is holding us back from equal and equitable opportunities; opportunities that lead us to thrive, grow, lean and excel with society.
We also need to remember that every woman has a different experience in our society, and for me as a disabled Woman of Colour, it is really important that we take an intersectional lense to approach barriers and figure out how we can improve things and make sure that the marginalised women in society are not left behind.
What does ‘accelerating progress’ look like for you in your everyday life?
It probably looks like how I can achieve my bigger goals, my bigger pictures, but using smaller milestones. It's also recognising that you don't have to progress every single day, it's okay to leave the rest, and sometimes I do need that break and that downtime. So knowing what my priorities are, and thinking about how if something didn't work out how I can improve for next time is how I accelerate progress.
Who's a woman in your life you admire and why?
This is both a simple and tough one to answer, because growing up there was a distinct lack of women in leadership and media who I could look up to and relate to.
However the one constant that has been, and probably always will be, is my mother. My Mum has always taught me how to be resilient and how to be adaptive, how to get back up after a fall (physically and mentally), and how to keep going after set backs.
As a first generation migrant, there were a lot of challenges that we had to face, and honestly without her strength I don't think I would be the person I am today.
If there’s a piece of advice you could give to your younger self, what would it be?
Recognise your quirks, embrace them, and learn to use them as your strengths; because what makes you unique really is your superpower, and it gives you the capability to have a different perspective, bring a different voice to the table, so use them to your advantage.
What’s something you want to say to the women of the world?
Alone we are incredible, and together we're even more powerful. When we come together, share our experience and uplift one another we become unstoppable.
So next time you're in a room and at a table, look around and see who is not there and who is missing, and ask how you can make a difference and make space for the women who need to be there.
If you would like to know more about Sara Shams and the work she does, you can follow her on Instagram at @nolegs_noworries or visit her website.